Source: Clicks

A year ago today we shocked the world when we announced Clicks. Many people celebrated the rebirth of buttons while others called us crazy. One thing's for sure… everyone had an opinion!

What started as a small team of 6 just a year ago has grown into a business driven to create smart tech accessories that help people take action and get shit done on the move.

As I look back on last year, it exceeded our expectations in every way. Here are just a few of the highlights:

  • Selling out the Founders Edition in a matter of a few weeks
  • Appearing on the TODAY Show, Good Morning America and in some of the world's leading media
  • Teaming up with BestBuy to bring Clicks to 230+ stores in the US
  • Meeting customers at community events in NYC, London, Malaysia and Tokyo
  • Seeing Clicks show up on American Idol with Meghan Trainor

Our first year wasn't without its challenges. Building a business is hard. And hardware businesses are as hard as they come. We battled product delays, faced the pressures of our first holiday season, and the complexities of scaling a team to set our customers up for success. We've learned valuable lessons that will guide us into our second year and beyond.

While our initial positioning last January was as a 'creator keyboard,' we quickly came to realize that Clicks customers come from all walks of life, span many ages and hail from over 100 countries around the world.

Today, you'll find Clicks in the hands of longtime keyboard warriors and first time users, authors, students, CEOs and even some world leaders. What Clicks customers have in common isn't a job title or even a love of buttons. It's an attitude of action!

The most meaningful (and unexpected) moments of the last year have been hearing all the ways that Clicks has changed the way people communicate, take action and get shit done!

We heard from a software engineer that uses Clicks to help her write code on her way into work on the subway without having to get out her laptop. We spotted a DJ at a party in LA who uses his Clicks to help him book his gigs and realize his mission to bring DJing into schools as a way to teach kids creativity. Another touching story came from the team at Vista Centre for the Blind who saw the benefits of Clicks in helping the blind community navigate their iPhone.

Hearing these stories (and many others) helped us reveal the truth that lays at the heart of Clicks, and what drives our team.

To mark our one year anniversary, I want to leave you with why we're here, who Clicks is for and where we fit in this world.

Today we plant the flag for the Clicks brand. Over the years ahead we will launch new products and evolve our business guided by a clear sense of purpose.

Action Starts Here Manifesto   Square
Source: Clicks

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